Vidyun Clicks

My Photography Journey

Living in harmony

It was taken in a park near my house in Bangalore, India. My father and I were walking the park with our cameras when I spotted some weaver ants on a coconut tree [there was also a giant wood spider up the same tree] After some time of capturing ants on the tree, I noticed there was a shell of a snail near the ants.
I used a Nikon D5000 + 85mm lens to capture the image. It was captured around 9:30 AM.
I like this image because the ants are not poking their nose in the snail’s business and the snail is not poking its nose in the ant’s business.
The weaver ants which were there were minor ants [the queen ant’s assistants and the ones who feed the babies] and some occasional major ants [soldier ants].

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