Vidyun Clicks

My Photography Journey

Pikachu eating a spider

My father and I were in a park near my house in Bangalore, when we spotted many spiders with interesting backgrounds[they were paintings]. This was the most interesting background there in the park because this was the only cartoon character there. I had to bend down a lot to capture the whole face of the character. This image was taken with Nikon D5000 + 85 mm macro lens. We visit this park very rarely so I try to capture as many photos as possible; there are a lot of things to capture in the park which makes it easier [example: Kites, birds, spiders, etc.].  This spider [I do not know its name and it is not there on the internet] eats a lot of insects because it has a well build web and the web is very big [some other spiders camouflaged with the paintings also].

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