This image won me the “Grand Title Award” of Young Wildlife Photographer of the year 2021! This image also won me the award of “Category Winner” of 10 years and under in the Wildlife Photographer of the year 2021 competition. WPY is one of the most prestigious photography contests. It is often called “Oscars of Wildlife Photography”. This award is organised by the Natural history museum, London.
I took this image at a theme park that houses upcycled old/used car parts and old cars. This park houses the letters of the language Kannada, which were made using old/used car parts. They have been placed adjacent to the main road. I was trying to capture the Tent spider (Cyrtophora citricola) with moving vehicles in the background. It was challenging to focus the spider because the web shook every time a vehicle moved in the background. After clicking on hundreds of images, I got some in good focus!
Nikon D5000 + Nikkor 85mm f3.5 Macro lens + Manfrotto Tripod; 1/250 sec at f5, ISO 200